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بعض النصوص (بصيغة PDF)

Le système MmE ou Majeur-mineur-Equivalence (5 p.)

Ce texte présente les modèles Majeur-mineur et de l'Equivalence, ainsi que leurs instruments, et est illustré par quelques exemples concrets.

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Gestión no violenta de los conflictos: una transformación que podemos obrar en cada uno de nosotros

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Geweldloos omgaan met elkaar (9 p.)

Deze tekst brengt een synthetisch overzicht van de modellen en schema's, geïllustreerd door enkele voorbeelden. Met 17 praktische tips voor een Evenwaardige houding.

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Il modello equivalenza (2013) (17p.)

(Contributo in libro 'Conflitti, mediazione e diritto interculturale' di Pierluigi Consorti, pp111-128)

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Making Transformation towards Nonviolent Conflict Management Concrete : The Power of Each of Us (May 2002) (6 p.)

This article brings a synthetic overview of the models and diagrams, illustrated by a concrete situation.

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Francophones et/en Vlamingen : Réunion en Equivalence (9 p.)

L'application des modèles Majeur-mineur et de l'Equivalence durant la crise de l'automne 2007.

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Dalla guerra alla pace: siamo concreti (2022) (4p)

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Conflicthantering op school: de MmE-methode (26 p.)

In deze tekst worden verschillende conflictsituaties ontleed vanuit Evenwaardigheid, op basis van de funderingen van beide partijen. Het gaat om verschillende types van relaties: tussen leerkracht en kind, leerkracht en tiener, leerkracht en ouder, leerkrachten onderling, leerkracht en directie.

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La fuerza interior: un arma fundamental contra la violencia

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The MmE-method (2010) (9 p.)

This article explains a bit more the MmE-model, illustrated by three cases on different levels.

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From War to Peace: let us be concrete. (2022) (5p)

About the war between Russia and Ukraine, a contribution in the transition towards Peace.

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Van oorlog naar vrede: laten we eens concreet zijn. (2022) (4p)

Over de oorlog tussen Rusland en Oekraïne, een bijdrage in de overgang naar Vrede.

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Inner Strength: a Fundamental Weapon against Violence (July 2002) (6 p.)

How inner strength can contribute in building nonviolence, and how we can develop it in ourselves and stimulate it in raising children.

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Innerlijke kracht: Een fundamenteel wapen tegen geweld (7p.)

Hoe innerlijke kracht kan bijdragen om te bouwen aan geweldloosheid, en hoe we die kunnen ontwikkelen in onszelf en stimuleren in de opvoeding.

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Exemples of reconciliation techniques (2020) (8 p.)

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We can’t change the past, but we can change the future (June-July 2002) (11 p.)

The 4 principles of the M-m system, illustrated by the issue of terrorism against the US, and the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Some thoughts about the practice of Equivalency in those cases, and learning from Africa.

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La forza interiore : un’arma fondamentale contro la violenza (luglio 2002) (4 p.)

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Russians and Chechens work together on developing Constructive Nonviolent Conflictmanagement (July 2006) (16p.)

Applying the theory in the Chechen conflict. Description of common seminars of Russians and Chechens and their results.

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Flemings and Walloons: Encounter in Equivalency (July 2008) (8 p.)

Some thoughts about how the difficult relationship between Flemings and Walloons could be transformed into a more constructive one.

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التحويل نحو حلّ النزاعات بطريقة غير عنيفة: قدرة كلّ واحد منّا" (تموز 2002) (ص.6)"

تقدّم هذه المقالة نظرة تركيبيّة شاملة للنماذج والرسوم البيانيّة.

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L’evoluzione verso una concreta gestione nonviolenta dei conflitti : Il potere di ognuno di noi (maggio 2002) (6p.)

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La nonviolenza e la controversia ‘fare la guerra’/ ‘non fare la guerra’ (marzo 2003) (5 p.)

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Trainingen voor leerlingen en leerkrachten uit het secundair onderwijs in omgaan met grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Een project in Lokeren. (2013) (4p.).

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Looking at Terrorists as Human Beings (July 2004) (5 p.)

Terrorism and the transformation of conflicts.

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Geweldloze opvoeding op school (7 p.)

Enkele ideeën om Evenwaardigheid in de opvoeding in praktijk te brengen, in het bijzonder in de context van de school (het puntensysteem, straffen, het schoolreglement, enz.). Met 12 concrete tips.

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Our M-m Mentality is at the Basis of our Misery (June 1999) (6 p.)

Applying the theory in the issue of the war in Kosovo.

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Considerare i terroristi come esseri umani (luglio 2004) (7 p.)

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A Reconciliation Project with Ruandese Hutu and Tutsi (August 2000) (5 p.)

Applying the theory in the Ruandese conflict.

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Vlamingen en/et Francophones : Ontmoeting in Evenwaardigheid (9 p.)

De toepassing van de modellen van Meerdere-mindere en van de Evenwaardigheid tijdens de crisis in het najaar van 2007.

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A Reconciliation Project in the Caucasus : Undermining War by Seminars in Nonviolent Conflict Management. A Theoretical Model put in Practice (July 1996) (10 p.)

Applying the theory in the conflict between Ingushetia and North-Ossetia. Description of methods used and results.

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We have the choice (September 28, 2001) (4 p.)

Applying the theory after Sept.11.

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Sempre piu violenza e Possiamo cambiare il futuro (giugno e luglio 2002) (7 p.)

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Lavorare sulla nonviolenza con persone che hanno ucciso (dicembre 2006) (6 p.)

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Nucléaire, du déni au défi collectif: porter en nous le mot avenir. (octobre 2022) (p.14-17).

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Een geweldloos hulpverleningsmodel (7 p.)

Een verwerking van de eerste (basis)tekst voor de relaties met ouderen, met illustraties op dat vlak.

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العمل على عدم ممارسة العنف مع الأشخاص الذين ارتكبوا جرائم قتل"(أيّار 2006) (ص.6)."

استعمال النظريّة في دورات مع فرق المعتقلين لمدّة طويلة في سجون  بلجيكيّة مختلفة خلال 6 سنوات. وصف العمل ونتائجه.

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Figli di un dio maggiore. Per una prospettiva nonviolenta sulla guerra (giugno 1999) (4 p.)

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Working on Nonviolence with People who killed (July 2006) (6 p.)

Using the theory in seminars with groups of long-term detainees in different Belgian prisons during 6 years. Description of the work and results of it.

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Nonviolence in the controversy ‘To go to war’ or ‘Not to go to war’ (March 2003) (5 p.)

Equivalency and starting war in Iraq.

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