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Video: ‘Prevention and Nonviolent Management of conflicts’, Lecture in Göteborg (Sweden, 2019) (21 minutes)

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Video: Voordracht, lunchlezing burenbemiddeling Gent, 29 mei 2020 (1 uur)

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Video: Huldiging Vredesvrouw Pat Patfoort, op de lokale Nieuwszender AVS, op 11/11/2013 (6.15-7.00)

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Video: ‘La risata come strumento per la trasformazione dei conflitti’, Webinar del Convegno 'Una risata vi convincera', 28 novembre 2020 (00.44-01.15)

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Video: ‘Prevention and Nonviolent Management of conflicts’, Lecture in Göteborg (Sweden, 2019) (21 minutes)

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Video: ‘Prevention and Nonviolent Management of conflicts’, Lecture in Göteborg (Sweden, 2019) (21 minutes)

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Video: ‘Le rire comme instrument pour la transformation des conflits’, Webinar sur le Cinéma comique et la Nonviolence, 28 novembre 2020 (00.44-01.15)

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Podcast: with Ilse Hakvoort & Agneta Lundstrom, on ‘Conflict Resolution in schools’ (Sweden, 2016) (53 min)

00:00 / 53:11
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