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Groups with which Pat Patfoort has worked:

  • teachers (e.g. in a typical school day) of traditional schools, schools for socially, physically or mentally handicapped children, alternative schools (like Freinet, Montessori, Steiner schools);

  • directors of schools (during study days);

  • students of elementary and secondary schools, groups of adolescents, youth associations;

  • parents (e.g. in school committees, day-care centers, local groups various sorts, groups of host parents or foster parents, etc.);

  • family and elderly helpers, social workers;

  • nurses and caretakers in hospitals, in homes for elderly people, in institutions for socially and mentally handicapped people, in centers for immigrants;

  • adult educators;

  • university students and staff, e.g. in the Universities of Leuven, Gent and Brussels (Belgium); the Technical Universities of Eindhoven and Zwolle (the Netherlands); the Universities of Firenze, Pisa, Bologna and Cagliari (Italy); Colorado University (Denver, Boulder, Colorado Springs), George Mason University (Washington) and the Universities of Berkeley and of San Francisco (California) in the US;

  • students preparing to be elementary school teachers, kindergarten teachers, educators;

  • students in peace universities, like the Peace University of Namur (Belgium), the European Peace University of Schlaining (Austria), the Peace University of San Jose (Costa Rica), the International University of Peoples’ Institutions for Peace (IUPIP, Rovereto, Italy);

  • peace organisations, like War Resisters International (WRI), Fellowship of Reconciliation (FOR), Rocky Mountain Peace Center (Boulder, Colorado, USA), Resource Centre for Nonviolence (Santa Cruz, California, USA), International Peace Service (Moscow, Russia);

  • conscientious objectors accomplishing their civil service;

  • action groups, ecological groups, third world organisations, religious groups, cultural organisations, local politicians;

  • women groups, gay and lesbian associations, groups of divorced people;

  • associations of physicians, associations of engineers, managers of hotel and catering industry (e.g. innkeepers);

  • trade unions;

  • police departments, judges, judicial and social workers;

  • ex-drug addicts, delinquent youth, prisoners (particularly with a long sentence, because, for instance, of having killed or raped);

  • groups of rebels (in West-Africa);

  • international seminars, e.g. with youth of conflict areas, like from North-Ireland, South-Africa, ex-Yugoslavia, ex-Soviet Union, different African countries;

  • Peace Brigades International (PBI), Peace Workers Teams (working in conflict area’s), NGO’s active in developing countries.

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